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Council ListNOTE: The following list includes councils of various types, with different approaches and at various stages of development. Due to the evolving nature of this work, we recommend that you check with the council to ensure accuracy of the information below. Also, if you would like us to add your council to this list or if the information included here for your council is incorrect, please email mark@foodsecurity.org. Please use the clickable map to find a council near you.
![]() AlabamaL: Greater Birmingham Community Food PartnersContact: Elise Munoz, Program Coordinator for Greater Birmingham Community Food Partners Web: www.gbcfp.org Governance: Independent AlaskaS: Alaska Food Policy CouncilContact: Diane Peck Governance: Independent (statewide group of 81 non-profit, faith-based and state agencies funded by the state) ArizonaArkansasS: Arkansas Food Policy CouncilContact: Sylvia Blain, Arkansas Local Foods Initiative Web: https://sites.google.com/site/arkansasfoodpolicycouncil CaliforniaL: Berkeley Food Policy CouncilContact: Martin Bourque, Ecology Center Governance: Convened by the Ecology Center this is a community based coalition of food systems projects, youth development organizations, health service providers, and and others working to reduce diet related illnesses in Berkeley's low income and communities by increasing consumption of fresh local healhtful foods. We do this through information sharing, programatic collaboration, and policy advocacy. L: Contra Costa Food and Nutrition Policy ConsortiumContact: Lindsay Johnson Web: www.foodbankccs.org Governance: Independent C: Fresno County Food System AllianceContact: Miriam Volat, Ag Innovations Network Web: http://foodsystemalliance.org Governance: Independent with representatives from public health, agricultural commissioner, CSU, private, non-profit, and government groups. In formation as of 9/2015. R: Healthy Food Access & Farmers' Markets Committee (Monterey)Contact: Christine Moss Contact: Deborah Yashar Governance: Coalition C: Humboldt Food Policy Council Task ForceContact: Danielle Stubblefield, Community Food Systems Analyst for
the California Center for Rural Policy at Humboldt State University Governance: Independent L: Los Angeles Food Policy Task ForceContact: Alexa Delwiche, Food Policy Coordinator Web: departments.oxy.edu/uepi/cfj/lafjn.htm Governance: Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa led the formation of a food policy task force for the City of Los Angeles L: Oakland Food Policy CouncilContact: Food First Web: www.oaklandfood.org Governance: Oakland City Council Life Enrichment Committee passed a resolution to allocate start-up funding for the establishment of an Oakland Food Policy Council C: Plumas County Community Food Council (Quincy)Contact: Elizabeth Powell Governance: Independent L: San Francisco Food Systems CouncilContact: Paula Jones, Director, Food Systems - San Francisco Department of Public Health Governance: In 2001, the San Francisco Department of Public Health's Environmental Health Section (EHS) initiated an independent project (San Francisco Food Systems) under the fiscal sponsorship of the San Francisco Foundation Community Initiative Funds. C: San Mateo Food Systems AllianceContact: Jennifer Gross Web: www.foodsystemalliance.org/sanmateo Governance: Independent (seats both the County's Agricultural Commissioner and its Public Health Officer) C: Santa Barbara Food Policy CouncilContact: Megan Carney, TGIF Sustainable Food Coordinator, University of California, Santa Barbara Web: sbcfoodpolicycouncil.weebly.com Governance: Independent R: Sacramento Region Food System CollaborativeContact: Robyn Krock Web: www.foodsystemcollaborative.org Governance: Independent (coalition of public, private, and nonprofit stakeholders) C: Sonoma County Food AllianceContact: Miriam Volat, Ag Innovations Network Governance: Independent (seats both the County's Public Health Officer and Agricultural Commissioner as well as a wide variety of community organizations and grassroots groups). C: Ventura County Food Policy CouncilContact: Joseph McIntyre, Ag Innovations Network Governance: Independent (seats the County Agricultural Commissioner as well as a wide variety of community organizations and agencies). C: Yolo County Food Policy Council (Woodland)Contact: Miriam Volat, Ag Innovations Network Web: http://yolocoafa.org Governance: Independent (seats the County Agricultural Commissioner as well as a wide variety of community organizations and agencies). ColoradoC: Boulder County Food and Agriculture Policy CouncilContact: Adrian Card, Extension Agent, Agricultural and Natural Resources Web: www.bouldercounty.org/bocc/AdvisoryBoards/#FoodAg Governance: Advisory Board to County Commissioners C: San Luis Valley Local Food CoalitionContact: Liz Marron Contact: Luette Frost Web: www.livewellcolorado.org/community-initiatives/livewell-colorado-communities/livewell-alamosa Governance: Independent C: Summit County (Breckenridge)Contact: Joanna Rybak, the LiveWell Summit County coordinator C: Sustainability Alliance of SW Colorado - Food, Agriculture & Farm to School (Durango)Contact: Jim Dyer, SW Marketing Network Web: www.sustainableswcolorado.org/foodag.htm C: Western Colorado Food and Agriculture Council (Paonia)Contact: Elaine Brett Contact: Dr. Edward Page, Colorado State U. Extension Small Acreage Management Agent Governance: Independent ConnecticutS: Connecticut Food Policy CouncilContact: Linda Drake, University of Connecticut EFNEP Contact: Jerry Jones Governance: Created in 1997 by the state legislature L: Hartford Food Policy CommissionContact: Martha Page Web: www.hartford.gov/government/FoodCommission/default.htm Governance: Advisory body to the city government L: New Haven Food Policy CouncilContact: Roberta Freidman, Director of Public Policy at Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy Web: www.cityseed.org Governance: The Board of Aldermen of the City of New Haven voted unanimously to pass an ordinance establishing the New Haven Food Policy Council DelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaS: Florida Food Policy CouncilContact: Trish Strawn, Chair Governance: Independent C: Leon County Food Policy Council (Tallahassee)Contact: Janice A. Daly, Ph.D., CHES, Community Health Promotion Coordinator of the Leon County Health Department C: PBC Community Food Alliance (Palm Beach County)Contact: Alex Stevens, Director of the PBC Community Food Alliance, United Way of Palm Beach Web: www.unitedwaypbc.org/foodalliance Governance: Independent (under United Way of Palm Beach) C: Sarasota Food Policy CouncilContact: Robert A. Kluson, Agriculture/Natural Resources Extension Agent II Web: sarasota.extension.ufl.edu/AG/agpolicy.shtml Governance: Unofficial advisory committe appointed by Sarasota County County Commissioners L: Tampa Bay Food Policy CouncilContact: Rob Alicea GeorgiaS: Georgia Food Policy CouncilContact: Donna DeCaille, Nutrition Coordinator for the Nutrition and
Physical Activity Initiative & FPC Facilitator, Georgia Division of
Public Health C: Athens Area Food Policy CouncilContact: Shannon McBride Contact: Midge Leventry Web: www.localplace.org Governance: Independent C: Atlanta Local Food InitiativeContact: Barbara Petit Governance: Independent coalition HawaiiHawaii Food Policy CouncilAmanda Corby, HFPC Coordinator Web: www.hawaiifoodpolicycouncil.org IdahoIllinoisS: Illinois Food, Farms, & Job CouncilContact: Jim Braun (Interim Coordinator) Web: www.foodfarmjobs.org Governance: Governor appointed S: Tri-State Food Policy Council (IL, IA, MO)Contact: Brenda E. Derrick, Unit Educator, Nutrition and Wellness Web: web.extension.illinois.edu/adamsbrown/localgrown/430.html Governance: Extension L: Chicago Food Policy Advisory CouncilContact: Erika Allen, Growing Power Illinois (co-chair) Contact: Rodger Cooley (co-chair) Web: www.chicagofoodpolicy.org Governance: Independent (non-profit coalition) L: Evanston Food Policy Council (Evanston)Contact: Debbie Hillman Governance: Independent grassroots L: Food Initiatives Group (Macomb)Contact: info@macombfig.org Governance: Independent grassroots group, loosely organized. R: Heartland Local Food Network (Bloomington-Normal)Contact: Marsha Veninga Web: www.hlfn.org Governance: Independent non-profit C: Northwest Local Foods Task Force (Stephenson County)Contact: Margaret Larson Governance: Extension C: Springfield Local Food Task Force (Springfield)Contact: Lindsay Record, Illinois Stewardship Alliance Governance: Independent IndianaIowaS: Iowa Food Systems CouncilContact: Angie Tagtow Contact: Susan Roberts, JD, MS, RD - Roberts Law Firm, PLC Web: www.iowafoodsystemscouncil.org Governance: A non-profit corporation with a 17-member Board of Directors S: Tri-State Food Policy Council (IL, IA, MO)Contact: Brenda E. Derrick, Unit Educator, Nutrition and Wellness Web: web.extension.illinois.edu/adamsbrown/localgrown/430.html Governance: Extension C: Cass County Local Food Policy Council (Oakland)Contact: Bahia Barry, Local Food Coordinator, Golden Hills RC&D Web: www.swiffi.org Governance: Member of a regional coalition C: Pottawattamie County Local Food CouncilContact: Bahia Barry, Local Food Coordinator, Golden Hills RC&D Web: www.swiffi.org Governance: Board of Supervisor appointed KansasS: Kansas State Food Policy CouncilContact: Dan Nagengast, Kansas Rural Center Web: www.kansasruralcenter.org/kfpc.html Governance: Works with the Governor's office C: Douglas County Food Policy Council (Lawrence)Contact: Eileen Horn, Sustainability Coordinator Contact: Emily Jackson, County Administrative intern Web: www.douglas-county.com/depts/ad/ad_localfoodpolicycouncil.aspx?category_id= Governance: The FPC was formed officially by the Douglas County Board of County Commissioners in September 2014, and formally approved as an advisory council in June 2015. KentuckyLouisianaL: Food Policy Advisory Committee (New Orleans)Contact: Vanessa M Ulmer Contact: David Coffman Web: www.sph.tulane.edu/PRC/pages/FPAC.htm MaineR: Saco River Lake Region Food Policy CouncilContact: Richard Rudolph, Rippling Waters Organic Farm Web: eatmainefoods.ning.com/forum/topics/saco-river-lake-region-food Governance: Independent MarylandL: Baltimore City Food Policy Task ForceContact: Holly Freishtat Contact: Anne Palmer, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Web: www.baltimorecity.gov/Government/AgenciesDepartments/Planning/FoodPolicyTaskForce.aspx Governance: Created by mayor and jointly led by the Baltimore City Department of Planning and the Baltimore City Health Department MassachusettsS: Massachusetts Food Policy AllianceContact: Betsy Johnson, chair L: Boston Food Policy CouncilContact: Stephen Chan L: Holyoke Food Policy CouncilWeb: www.nuestras-raices.org/en/holyoke-food-fitness L: Springfield Food Policy CouncilContact: Johnetta Baymon, Community Services Specialist, Springfield Partners for Community Action Web: www.springfieldpartnersinc.com Governance: We have a resolution with City Government, however we collaborate with all sectors; community & faith based organizations, grocers & community garden groups, businesses & youth L: Worcester Food Policy CouncilContact: United Way Web: www.worcesterfoodpolicy.org Governance: Formed at the appointment of (former) Mayor Tim Murray; serves as an ad-hoc advisory board to the local Congressman and Mayor MichiganS: Michigan Food Policy CouncilContact: Kirsten G. Simmons Contact: Ken Dahlberg Governance: Governor advisory board L: Detroit Food Policy CouncilRod Toneye, Urban Agritropolis Project Web: www.detroitfoodpolicycouncil.net Governance: Approved by the Detroit City Council L: Greater Grand Rapids Food Systems CouncilContact: Cynthia Price Web: www.foodshed.net Governance: Non-profit, membership based organization that is a collaborative of west Michigan community-based, governmental, non-profit and private organizations and individuals MinnesotaMississippiMissouriS: Tri-State Food Policy Council (IL, IA, MO)Contact: Brenda E. Derrick, Unit Educator, Nutrition and Wellness Web: web.extension.illinois.edu/adamsbrown/localgrown/430.html Governance: Extension L: Greater Kansas City Food Policy CoalitionContact: Beth Low Web: www.kchealthykids.org/Initiative-HFPI-Background/Index.htm Governance: Independent coalition L: St Louis Regional Food Policy CouncilContact: Phil Valko Contact: Susann Archer, Congressional Deputy Leg Asst. Governance: Independent MontanaS: Montana Food System CouncilContact: Barbara Rusmore, Coordinator Web: www.montanafood.org Governance: The Council has a cooperative relationship with the Governor's Montana Food for Montanans Initiative L: Missoula Community Food and Agriculture CoalitionContact: Paul Hubbard, land use coordinator on staff Contact: Bonnie Buckingham, chair of the Board of Directors Web: www.MissoulaCFAC.org Governance: CFAC was formed following a joint resolution at the City/County in 2010, recognizing the value of preserving ag land and ensuring access to food for all citizens. A member of both the City Council and County Commissioners originally sat on the Coalition. In fall, 2014, CFAC became a 501(c)3, and is now working independently from government, but has close ties to both city and county, including Office of Planning and Grants NebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyL: Camden City Food Security Advisory BoardContact: Michael Devlin Web: www.camdenchildrensgarden.org Governance: Established in 2014, appointments made by City Council and the Mayor. Currently 5 appointed members. C: Mercer Food CouncilContact: Elyse Pivnick, Vice Pres. Environment & Community Health, Isles, Inc. Governance: Operates independent of a specific government jurisdiction New MexicoC: Grant County Food Policy CouncilContact: Andrea Sauer, Coordinator Governance: Established as an advisory council by a resolution from the Grant County Board of Commissioners in 2015 S: New Mexico Food and Agriculture Policy CouncilContact: Pam Roy, Director Web: www.farmtotablenm.org/policy Governance: The New Mexico Food and Agriculture Policy Council was formally initiated through 2003 House Joint Memorial 45 C: Rio Arriba County Food & Agriculture Policy CouncilContact: Brian Korzec Contact: Lauren Reichelt Governance: Independent L: Santa Fe Food Policy Council (City and County of Santa Fe Advisory Council on Food Policy)Contact: Katherine Mortimer Contact: Rubina Cohen, Coordinator Web: www.santafefoodpolicy.org Governance: Established as an advisory council by a joint resolution from the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County New YorkS: New York State Council on Food PolicyContact: Ann McMahon, Coordinator Web: www.nyscfp.org Governance: New York State Governor's Office issued Executive Order No. 13 on May 18, 2012 that established the New York State Council on Food Policy (NYS CFP) L: Food Systems Network NYCContact: Fern Gale Estrow Governance: FSNYC was founded in 2004 through the efforts of the New York City Nutrition Education Network and the Council on the Environment of New York City (fiscal agent for FSNYC) to complement the emerging food policy council movement L: East New York Food Co-opContact: Salima Jones-Daley North CarolinaS: North Carolina Sustainable Local Food Advisory CouncilContact: Joy Hicks, Policy Development Analyst, NCDA&CS Governance: Approved by the NC State Legislature C: Cabarrus County Food Policy CouncilContact: Aaron Newton, Local Food System Program Coordinator Governance: Approved by the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners in 2015. L: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Food Policy CouncilContact: Marilyn Marks Contact: Allison Mignery Web: Facebook Governance: Independent North DakotaOhioC: Lorain County Food Policy CoalitionContact: Avi Miner Governance: The LCFPC is an active county-level organization not affiliated with any government. The New Agrarian Center, a well-established nonprofit organization based in Oberlin, OH, serves as the LCFPC's parent organization. S: Ohio Food Policy Advisory CouncilContact: Amalie Lipstreu, Senior Program Manager Sustainable Agriculture Ohio Department of Agriculture Web: www.agri.ohio.gov/divs/communications/meetings.aspx Governance: Created by Executive Order L: Cleveland/Cuyahoga County Food Policy CouncilContact: David Pearl Contact: MorganTaggart, Ohio State University Extension Contact: Brad Masi, The New Agrarian Center Governance: Independent (public-private partnership) OklahomaOregonR: Central Oregon Food Policy CouncilContact: Ben Gordon, Co-chair Contact: Katrina Van Dis Web: centraloregonfoodpolicy.wordpress.com Governance: The COFPC is a 13-member volunteer Council composed of a Board of Directors representing Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson Counties in Central Oregon. Our vision is to lead the effort to achieve a sustainable and just food system in Central Oregon using the following strategies: Healthy Food Access, Public Policy Advocacy, and Networks and Knowledge Sharing. C: Lane County Food Policy CouncilContact: Deb Johnson-Shelton, Chair Governance: Independent (maintains government liaisons to the council) L: Portland-Multnomah Food Policy CouncilContact: Steve Cohen Web: http://www.portlandonline.com/bps/index.cfm?c=42290 Governance: A citizen-based advisory council to the City of Portland and Multnomah County PennsylvaniaC: Adams County Food Policy Council (Gettysburg)Contact: Kim Davidson Governance: Established by proclamation on May 13, 2014 by the County Commissioners L: Pittsburgh Area Food Policy CouncilContact: Danae Clark, Allegheny Greenworks - chairperson Contact: Ken Regal Web: pghfood.pbworks.com/Pittsburgh-Area-Food-Policy-Council Governance: Independent (operate as a loose coalition of several organizations) Rhode IslandSouth CarolinaS: South Carolina Food Policy CouncilContact: Beth Crocker Web: agriculture.sc.gov/content.aspx?ContentID=697 Governance: Independent (sponsored by Department of Agriculture; Board of Directors are nominated every 3 years) South DakotaTennesseeC: Knoxville/Knox County Food Policy CouncilContact: Stephanie Welch, chair Web: www.ci.knoxville.tn.us/boards/food.asp C: Food Security Partners of Middle Tennessee (Nashville)Contact: Cassi Johnson, Executive Director, Manna-Food Security Partners Contact: Brian Zralek, Program Director Web: www.foodsecuritypartners.org Governance: Independent, but work closely with our Mayor's Office and Public Health Department TexasL: Austin/Travis Sustainable Food Policy BoardContact: Marla Camp Web: www.edibleaustin.com/content/sustainable-food-policy-board-resources-178 Governance: Created by city ordinance; associated with Travis County Commissioners UtahL: Salt Lake City Food Policy Task ForceContact: Bridgette Stuchly, Liason to mayors office Contact: Christi Paulson, counsel co-chair Governance: Advisory to mayors office VermontL: Burlington Food CouncilContact: Mandy Davis, Agricultural Development Services, Intervale Center Contact: Jennifer Green, Co-Director, Burlington Legacy Project Web: www.burlingtonfoodcouncil.org Governance: We are a City-recognized group (through resolution) and report to the City Council quarterly, but we are largely independent R: Central Vermont Food Systems Council (Montpelier)Contact: Isaac Lawrence L: Waterbury-Duxbury Food CouncilContact: Erica Campbell, The Center for an Agricultural Economy Contact: Rick Scharf VirginiaS: Virginia Food System CouncilContact: Eric Bendfeldt Contact: Matthew Benson Web: www.virginia.edu/ien/foodsummit/foodcouncil.html Governance: Independent WashingtonC: Clark County Food Policy Council, Vancouver, WAContact: Tricia Mortell, Clark County Public Health Contact: Elspeth Durek, RD, Clark County Public Health Nutritionist Web: www.clark.wa.gov/public-health/about/foodsystemscouncil.html Governance: We do not have a direct link to County government. Public Health provides staff support but the membership is not appointed by the commissioners like other boards or committees. We have a quasi link through the Clark County Public Health Advisory council, which is appointed. They champion the Food System Council work and we have had joint meetings with the commisioners. C: Cowlitz County Food Policy Council - Acces to Healthy Food (Kelso)Contact: April Stewart, Health Educator, Cowlitz County Health Department Governance: Access to Healthy Food is a subcommittee branch of Cowlitz On The Move- Healthy Lifestyles Coalition C: Puget Sound Regional Food Policy CouncilContact: Liz Underwood-Bultmann Web: www.psrc.org Governance: four counties: King, Snohomish, Pierce, and Kitsap L: Tahoma Food Policy CoalitionContact: Sarah Garitone, Pierce Conservation District Governance: Independent coalition West VirginiaWisconsinC: Dane County Food Council (Dane County Board of Supervisors)Contact: Martin Bailkey, Vice-chair Contact: Andrew Majid Allan Web: www.countyofdane.com/foodcouncil Governance: county board L: Milwaukee Food CouncilContact: Martha Davis Kipcak, The Kitchen Table Project, Slow Food Upper Midwest, Growing Power Contact: Marcia Caton Campbell, The Center for Resilient Cities C: Sheboygan Area Local Food AllianceContact: salfalliance@gmail.com Web: www.salfalliance.org WyomingNATIVE AMERICAN TRIBAL COUNCILSCANADIAN COUNCILSAlbertaCalgary Food Policy CouncilContact: Paul Hughes Web: www.calgaryfoodpolicycouncil.ca or calgaryfoodpolicy.blogspot.com Governance: Independent British ColombiaKamloops Food Policy CouncilContact: Laura Kalina Web: foodsecurecanada.org/en/node/595 Vancouver Food Policy CouncilContact: Johanna Bays, Council Co-Chair Contact: Brent Mansfield, Council Co-Chair Web: vancouver.ca/COMMSVCS/socialplanning/initiatives/foodpolicy/policy/council.htm or www.vancouverfoodpolicycouncil.ca Governance: The VFPC was created through a City of Vancouver Council motion and operates under a Council-approved terms of reference ManitobaWinnipeg Food Policy Working GroupContact: Paul Chorney, Food Matters Manitoba Contact: Stefan Epp Web: www.winnipegfoodpolicy.org Governance: Winnipeg Food Policy working group is actively involved in discussions with the City of Winnipeg and in presentations to elected officials with the goal of formally establishing a Food Policy Council OntarioGuelph Wellington Food Round Table Policy working group (GWFRT)Contact: Shannon Lee Stirling Governance: not affiliated directly with government Halton Food CouncilContact: Lynn Garrison MHSc, RD, Halton Region Health Department Just Food, formerly called the Ottawa Food Security CouncilContact: Moe Garahan, Director of Just Food Web: www.spcottawa.on.ca/ofsc/en/index.asp Governance: February 26, 2003 - City Council approves the recommendation of the HRSS Committee for the Ottawa Food Security Council Toronto Food Policy CouncilContact: Wayne Roberts, Project Coordinator Web: www.toronto.ca/health/tfpc_index.htm Governance: City created the Toronto Food Policy Council, Staff working with the TFPC are employed by, and responsible to, Toronto Public Health Toronto Youth Food Policy CouncilContact: Yusuf Alam, Project Coordinator Governance: City created the Toronto Food Policy Council, Staff working with the TFPC are employed by, and responsible to, Toronto Public Health Waterloo Region Food System RoundtableContact: Marc Xuereb Contact: Steffanie Scott, Co-Chair Contact: Ellen Desjardins, Co-Chair Web: www.wrfoodsystem.ca Governance: The establishment of the Roundtable was led by the Regional Municipality's Public Health department, and Public Health has supplied staff support (.5FTE), but there is no official defined relationship between the municipality and the Roundtable. It is an independent organization. |