National Farm to Cafeteria Conference
Putting Local Food on the Table: Farms and
Food Service in Partnership
16-18, 2010
Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio
Conference Co-sponsors: Community Food Security Coalition,
Farm Aid, Kenyon College, Center for Food and Justice, Food
Routes, and Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
is available at the door starting Thursday June 16 at 10 am
at Gund Commons, Kenyon College.
Lodging may be available for Thursday and Friday nights on campus.
We are not accepting additional reservations for the shuttle
service. Please make your own transportation arrangements.
Jump to: Plenary - Biographies
- Workshops
- Film Festival -
Field Trips - Short
Course - Schedule - Scholarships
- Refunds - Airport
Conference Introduction
What do schools in rural Vermont, prisons in Connecticut, universities
in Iowa, and hospitals in California all have in common? They are all
sourcing regional, farm-fresh products to serve in their cafeterias, as
part of an exponentially growing farm to cafeteria movement. Much of
this activity is in response to demands from the local populace - with
65% of the national population either overweight or obese, there is a
groundswell of support for serving healthy food in institutions.
Since 1996, farm to school programs have been addressing the dual issues
of improving children's health and providing new marketing options for
family farmers. Today, over 400 school districts in 23 states and
approximately 200 colleges and universities have local purchasing
programs. In many cases, these programs operate in combination with
school gardens, farm visits, curricula integrating farm to school
topics, cooking classes, composting, and recycling programs.
Come join us as we celebrate our victories, and share in successes,
failures, and strategies, as we learn from each other and network with
colleagues. You'll hear from veterans of the initial farm to school and
college programs, as well as newcomers. Some of the questions we'll
explore are: How can we move beyond pilot projects and "scale up"? How
can distribution methods be cost- effective and efficient? What policies
can be pursued to further these efforts? What is the economic impact
of farm to cafeteria programs on farmers, institutions and communities?
How can we educate the public about the amazing array of benefits of
eating what is found in one's own back yard?
The opening conference plenary will highlight two of the oldest
farm to school programs in the country - the Farmers' Market
Salad Bar program in California, and the New North Florida Cooperative
program. The speakers will address how they got started, where
they are now, and how they have developed into large, sustainable
programs. Conference attendees also have the opportunity to
hear two thoughtful, inspiring, keynote speakers: David Kline,
author of Great Possessions: An Amish Farmer's Journal,
and Marion Nestle, author of Food Politics.
Come early or stay late to explore the beautiful surroundings on one of
the six field trips. Visit the scenic farm country of Mt. Hope - the
largest Amish community in the world, an organic pasture pork operation,
the Stratford Ecological Center, the Kenyon College food service
facilities, and a diversified livestock farm involved in farmland
From a wise Amish farmer sharing his insights on our quality of life, to
family farmers creating a farm to school program for the Department of
Defense - we will have it all in Ohio!
The History and Beauty of Central Ohio
College is situated within the village of Gambier in Knox County,
a region of rolling farmland, deciduous forests, and small towns
in central Ohio. The county seat of Mount Vernon, located five
miles from Gambier, features many historic buildings dating
to the mid-nineteenth century. A beautiful fourteen-mile bike
path follows the route of the Kokosing, recently designated
as a state scenic river. The local population includes a growing
Amish community; and over half the world's Amish live within
an hour of the college.
Kenyon College, the oldest private institution of higher education
in Ohio, ranks as one of the finest liberal arts colleges in
the country, attracting superior students and a superb faculty
and providing them with first-rate academic, residential, and
recreational facilities. It's beautiful campus includes some
of the finest examples of collegiate Gothic architecture in
The Kenyon College Rural Life Center is also the home of a major
initiative, Food for Thought, to support family farmers
and sustain rural community life by connecting local producers
with individual and institutional food buyers. Kenyon faculty
and students, working collaboratively with members of the farming
community, are creating a viable local food system through projects
including the renovation of a defunct warehouse into a food
storage facility and community kitchen, creation of a grants
program to help farmers produce new goods to meet local demand,
coordination with a local agency to make fresh foods available
to the county's neediest citizens, marketing to raise consumer
consciousness, and ongoing research and evaluation.
Food for Thought is designed to be replicable in other
rural areas and should serve as a model for college/community
efforts nationwide. For more information on Food for Thought
and the Rural Life Center, visit our web site at
Small, Growing Big, and Becoming Sustainable
Less than a decade ago, two farm to school programs were initiated - one
in Santa Monica, California and the other in the Florida panhandle.
Today, the originators of these programs have expanded beyond their
wildest expectations and they are here to tell how they've developed
from small pilot programs to large, sustainable operations.
Prepared to be awed, informed, and inspired.
Speakers: Rodney Taylor, Director Nutrition Services,
Riverside Unified School District; Vonda Richardson, Extension
Marketing Specialist at Florida A&M University and New North
Florida Cooperative; Glyen Holmes, Executive Director, New North
Florida Cooperative.
to Top}
Kline has honed a keen understanding of nature and community
life from careful observation on his farm in Fredericksburg,
Ohio. He has shared these insights in two books--Great Possessions:
An Amish Farmer's Journal and Scratching the Woodchuck:
Nature on An Amish Farm--countless articles, and numerous
talks. He serves as editor of Farming Magazine, whose
essays, poetry, and practical farming tips promote a humane
and sustainable approach to the land. Mr. Kline's address will
explore the many ways in which the food we eat affects our quality
of life.
Marion Nestle is Paulette Goddard Professor in the Department
of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University,
which she chaired from 1988-2003. Her degrees include a Ph.D.
in molecular biology and an M.P.H. in public health nutrition,
both from the University of California, Berkeley. Her first
faculty position was in the Department of Biology at Brandeis
University. From 1976-86 she was Associate Dean of the University
of California San Francisco (UCSF) School of Medicine, where
she taught nutrition to medical students, residents, and practicing
physicians, and directed a nutrition education center sponsored
by the American Cancer Society. From 1986-88, she was senior
nutrition policy advisor in the Department of Health and Human
Services and managing editor of the 1988 Surgeon General's
Report on Nutrition and Health. She has been a member of
the FDA Food Advisory Committee and Science Board, the USDA/DHHS
1995 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, and American Cancer
Society committees that issue dietary guidelines for cancer
prevention. Her research focuses on the analysis of scientific,
social, cultural, and economic factors that influence dietary
recommendations and practices. She is the author of Food
Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health
(2002) and Safe Food: Bacteria, Biotechnology, and Bioterrorism
(2003), both from University of California Press. In 2003, Food
Politics won awards from the Association for American Publishers
(outstanding professional and scholarly title in nursing and
allied health), James Beard Foundation (literary), and World
Hunger Year (Harry Chapin media). Safe Food won the Steinhardt
School of Education's Griffiths Research Award in 2004.
to Top}
Workshop, Field Trip, and
Short Course Schedule
(see descriptions below)
Workshop Session 1,
Thursday, June 16th, 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Introduction to Farm to Institution
Developing a Farm to Cafeteria Curricula
Policy Advocacy 101
How to Approach Institutional Buyers
USDA's Role in Supporting Farm to School
Workshop Session 2, Friday, June 17th, 10:30 am - Noon
Farm to Hospital: Connecting Health Care and Local Agriculture
Organizing a Farm to School Program
Food Service Management Companies
Educating About Food: Why is it Important?
The Department of Defense Farm to School Program
Supporting Mid-sized Farms Through Institutional Sales
Workshop Session 3, Friday, June 17th, 1:30 - 3:00 pm
Ohio Examples of Farm to Cafeteria
Are Farm to School Programs Making a Difference?
Bringing Farming Home: Engaging Parents and Reaching the Public
School Food Policies
Advanced Issues in Farm to Cafeteria
Farm to Cafeteria: A Review of Federal Legislation
Workshop Session 4, Friday, June 17th, 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Engaging Student Support in Farm to College Projects
Beyond the Classroom: Youth Food and Farm Projects
Economic Impact of Local Food Marketing
Food Policies Promoting Healthy Food Environments at State,
Regional and Institutional Levels
Distribution Issues in Farm to Cafeteria Projects
Funding Opportunities for Farm to Cafeteria
Track One
- Farm to Institution 101:
Introduction to Farm to Institution
More and more schools, colleges, hospitals and other institutions around
the country are developing programs to purchase products from local
farms for their cafeterias. A strong movement of farm to institution
projects has emerged over the last five years. What are the key elements
of successful programs? What can we learn from existing projects? Hear
about the projects that have stood the test of time: how they started,
how they secured support, and how they organized supply &
Speakers: Kristen Markley, Community Food Security Coalition;
Kamyar Enshayan, University of Northern Iowa; Sara Tedeschi,
Organic Valley, WI
What You Always Wanted to Know About Organizing a Farm to School Program
Hear from all three perspectives - a farmer, food service director and
community organizer - on issues to consider when organizing a farm to
school program. Ray Denniston will present a "Food Service 101" view of
farm to school, while Frank Wiles provides an insider farmer's
perspective of what it takes to sell to schools. Anne Carter will
address distribution, seasonality, and talk about farm to school as part
of a Summer Food Program.
Speakers: Ray Denniston, Johnson City Central School
District; Frank Wiles, Our Green Acre Farms, NY; Anne Carter,
University of Massachusetts
How to Approach Institutional Buyers
Selling farm products to colleges, schools, hospitals, and other
institutions is generally more complex than using direct marketing
options. A university food buyer will discuss what he looks for in a
vendor, the types of products and volumes he buys, and the form in which
he buys it. A farmer will discuss steps to take before approaching a
potential buyer, how to present products, and the issues around becoming
a Department of Defense vendor. Kelly Erwin, who has worked in both
agriculture and food service, will provide insights on how to best make
farm to school connections.
Speakers: Randy Shelton, Ohio University; Ben Burkett,
Federation of Southern Cooperatives, MS; Kelly Erwin, Massachusetts
Department of Agricultural Resources
Farm to Hospital: Connecting Health Care and Local Agriculture
Given the increasing popularity of farm to cafeteria programs, as well
as heightened concern about hospital food quality, the time is right for
the development and expansion of farm to hospital programs. Linking
local farms and hospitals can improve the freshness, quality and
nutritional value of hospital food while opening a new institutional
market to small farmers and providing food-based preventive health care
strategies for hospitals and patients. Learn about health care
facilities that are linking with local growers and how patients and
facilities are benefiting. Panelists include representatives of large
national hospitals and small rural residential care facilities, who will
discuss the benefits and barriers to partnering with local agriculture
groups. The panel discussion will be followed by time for Q & A
from the audience.
Speakers: Jamie Harvey, Institute for a Sustainable Future,
MN; Preston Maring, Kaiser Permanente, CA; Robin Gaines, Bartels
Lutheran Retirement Community, IA
Track Two
- Digging Deeper:
Distribution Issues in Farm to Cafeteria Projects
Distribution is a key component for any farm to cafeteria project.
Brokered, cooperative, or non-profit distribution systems can coordinate
larger volumes of product to cafeterias than when individual farms
coordinate deliveries with food services. Panelists will discuss the
success and issues of coordinating, ordering, and distributing farm
fresh foods to schools and senior centers in California and Washington,
and present research currently examining transportation costs of local
food systems, including farm to cafeteria.
Speakers: Judy Blue, California Alliance of Family Farms;
Michelle Catalano, Pike Place Market Basket CSA, WA, Tanya Turner,
Cooperative Development Specialist at Keystone Development Center
Engaging Student Support in Farm to College Projects
Some farm to college projects are student initiated whereas others are
initiated by faculty members or others who have found creative ways to
involve students in supporting & promoting the project. This
workshop will explore the impact of student involvement on the success
of projects, what motivates students to get involved in these projects,
the roles students play in projects, and how to maintain momentum,
despite the nature of student turnover.
Speakers: Sarah Murray, University of Washington; Allison
Shauger Oberlin College, OH; Jennifer DeHart, Allegheny College,
Are farm to cafeteria programs really making a difference?
This workshop will be useful to those of you seeking information on
evaluation tools and strategies to measure the impacts of farm to
cafeteria programs. You will hear from evaluators about the whys and
hows of setting up an evaluation plan. Program staff and evaluators will
also share data emerging from of selected programs across the country
to highlight the impacts of farm to cafeteria programs on students,
institutions and farmers.
Speakers: Kai Siedenburg, Facilitator, Community Food
Security Coalition; Gail Feenstra, University of California,
Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program; Erin Croom,
Evaluator, University of Vermont
Food Service Management Companies
About 25% of farm to school projects and 50% of farm to college projects
are managed on contract by an outside corporation. Several food
service corporations are making a company-wide commitment to initiate
opportunities for schools and universities to buy local foods.
Representatives from several companies will discuss strategies for
addressing issues such as vendor insurance, bid requirements, and
finding the volume and type of product desired. A farmer certification
program initiated by Marriot in North Carolina, in collaboration with
Operation Springplant, will also be discussed.
Speakers: Dorothy Barker, Operation Springplant, Jamie
Moore, Parkhurst Dining, and Don Kulik, Sodexho
Track Three
- Food and Farm Education:
Educating about Food: Why is it Important?
Why does education about food and farming matter? Whether you are
working at the K-12 or college level, this workshop will help you make a
more compelling case for including food and agricultural curricula to
your school or college administration. In an interactive panel format,
we will explore why food and farming education programs are integral and
connected with critical issues of human, societal, and environmental
health. Presenters will explore how these programs tie in with broader
educational goals; how they can be integrated across disciplines; and,
in the case of K-12 education, can be designed to fulfill state
educational standards.
Speakers: Howard Sacks, Kenyon College, with Eric Helt,
Dharma Farm, Gambier; Kate Barney, Kenyon College '06; Ann Evans,
Science and Environmental Education Program, Yolo County (CA)
Office of Education
Developing Innovative Farm to School Curricula
Through this workshop, participants will have the chance to learn about
the most innovative Farm to School curricula developed today and the
nuts and bolts of project development. The session will be divided into
two breakouts, one focusing on K-12 and the other on college-level
projects. Each session will include presentations from three innovative
projects and will address the role of teachers, farmers, students, and
outside organizers in curricula development.
K-12 Speakers: Lynn Walters, Cooking with Kids, NM; Dana
Hudson and Joseph Kiefer, Vermont FEED Partnership
Partnership College Speakers: Jack Kloppenburg, University
of Wisconsin; Brad Masi, Oberlin College, OH
Beyond the Classroom: Youth Food and Farm Projects
From LA to Boston, young people are growing and, in some cases, selling
their own food - and learning valuable skills in the process.
Participants will have the chance to meet organizers of three
cutting-edge youth food and farm projects and explore how such projects
can complement farm to school efforts.
Speakers: Will Bullock, The Food Project, MA; Neelam
Sharma, Community Services Unlimited, CA; Hank Herrera, Rooted
in Community, NY
Bringing Farming Home: Engaging Parents and Reaching the Public
Through this session participants will learn about curricula-based
projects with a public outreach focus. They will also hear about
campaign tools, resources, and strategies that groups are using to
educate parents and the broader public about where our food comes from
and about the benefits of buying sustainably produced, local food.
Speakers: Joani Walsh, FoodRoutes, PA; Diane Hatz, Global
Resource Action Center for the Environment, NY; Laura Freden,
Farm Aid, MA
Track Four
- Policy from the School Board to Congress:
Policy Advocacy 101
Come learn the basics of federal and local policy, how it affects Farm to
School issues, and how you can play an influential role. You will learn the
basics of the legislative process and how piece of legislation
translates into meaningful programs for you. This session will also provide
how-to skills on educating your legislators about important nutrition issues
and how you can know the best time and method to do so. You as a constituent
have a powerful role to play. Come see how you can be involved!
Speakers: Barrett Ebright, Emerson Hunger Fellow, CFSC
Sarah Borron, Policy Associate, CFSC
School Food Policies
This workshop will explore school and school district level policies to
improve the school food environment. The panel will provide an overview
of various school food policies designed to create farm to school
connections, remove junk food and unhealthy snacks and beverages,
improve nutrition education, and otherwise make schools healthier places
to learn. Speakers will discuss their successful campaigns to pass
healthy school food policies, giving strategic hints on building
coalitions, lobbying, and monitoring how schools implement new rules.
With a new Federal law requiring that all public school districts adopt a
wellness policy addressing health, nutrition, and physical activity by
2011, this is an opportunity to learn how you can lead the way in your
school or school district.
Speakers: Bonnie Hallam, The Food Trust, PA
Food Policies promoting healthy food environments at state, regional and institutional levels
This workshop will explore how policies at the federal, state and
institutional levels can improve our food environment. Speakers will
cover a range of topics including policies designed to enhance
nutrition, expand local food procurement of local food, and protect
children from aggressive food advertising. Speakers will describe the
challenges, opportunities, and strategies involved in working on these
policy issues.
Speakers: Bill Jordan, NYS Department of Agriculture
and Markets; Preston Marring, Kaiser Permanente, CA
Farm to Cafeteria: A Review of Federal Legislation
How do federal food, farm, and nutrition policy relate to Farm to School
projects? How can I be involved in federal and local policy processes?
Come learn the basics of federal and local policy and how you can play
an influential role. Kelli Sanger will also provide an insider's view
of the Free Fruit and Vegetable Program, discussing it's impact on
farmers in Washington state. Other important federal programs for farm
to school practitioners will be discussed, including Community Food
Projects, Department of Defense Farm to School Program, and school
wellness policies.
Speakers: Thomas Forster, Community Food Security Coalition;
Sarah Borron, Community Food Security Coalition; Kelli Sanger,
Washington State Department of Agriculture
Track Five
- Food Farming and Rural Communities:
Supporting Mid-sized Farms through Institutional Sales
Institutional sales present a large new market for family farmers,
especially for those with sufficient volume to meet their demands. Medium
sized farmers are struggling in today's marketplace, too large for direct
marketing and squeezed out by a lack of infrastructure and profitable
markets. This workshop will examine the issues confronting medium sized
farmers and some possible solutions.
Speakers: Gail Feenstra, University of California, Sustainable
Agriculture and Research Education Program
Innovative Ways to Build Support for Accessing Healthy Food - Examples from Ohio
Accessing healthy food is a challenge that calls for creative approaches
and diverse partnerships. Mary Ida Compton, a local food organizer,
will share how growing food for an annual school event was instrumental
in raising awareness about nutritious locally grown food. Bill Dawson,
will share the Franklin Park Conservatory (FPC) Master Plan, which
includes a solar greenhouse, a kitchen facility and production gardens
where local youth and others will grow produce for the FPC Farmers
Market. Noreen Warnock, will discuss how partnerships the Foodshed
Project has made with Child Development Council of Franklin County, Inc.
(CDCFC Head Start), Franklin Park Conservatory, Ohio State Extension,
local restaurants and businesses, the Columbus Health Department and
others have grown the ability to access healthy locally grown food in
Speakers: Mary Ida Compton, Compton Foundation; Bill
Dawson, Growing to Green, Franklin Park Conservatory; Noreen
Warnock, Greater Columbus Foodshed Project
Economic Impact of Local food marketing
Economic development officials and local and state governments often do
not think of local food and farm businesses as "economic development" or
"jobs." Yet, when presented with local food dollar figures, local
officials are likely to respond positively. This workshop will explore
how we might document the economic impacts of growing local food and
farm businesses meeting local and regional demand. Examples from
several regions will be shared.
Speakers: Rich
Pirog, Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, IA; Kamyar
Enshayan, University of Northern Iowa; Ken Meter, Crossroads
Resource Center, MN
Track Six
- Additional Workshops:
Funding Opportunities to support farm to cafeteria programs
Several innovative projects are limited or have to be abandoned due to
by funding issues. This workshop will focus on how to find funding for
farm to cafeteria projects. Representatives from federal funding
agencies, private foundations and other sources will discuss emerging
grant opportunities for funding farm to cafeteria projects, provide
information on how to approach specific opportunities, and answer your
questions about finding the right source of funds to support your
Speakers: Liz Tuckermanty, USDA; Alesia Swan, USDA Risk Management
Agency; Mary Ida Compton, Compton Foundation; Ted Quaday, Farm
Aid, MA
Spending Defense Dollars Wisely: The DoD Farm to School Program
Several years ago, the DoD offered its produce-buying services to
federal institutions such as hospitals, federal offices, and schools.
It now operates farm to school programs in over 10 states. The
"how-to's" of this program will be discussed, as well as the specifics
of how it works in North Carolina. Over a million dollars has been
spent on farm produce in North Carolina through the DoD Farm to School
Speakers: Ken Wilmoth, Department of Defense; Ted Fogleman,
North Carolina Department of Agriculture
USDA's Role in Supporting Farm to Cafeteria Programs
This workshop will focus on the resources USDA has to offer to farm to
cafeteria programs, from the perspectives of both farmers and food
service. A new booklet developed by USDA specifically to guide food
service staff in developing a program will be discussed, including the
regulatory aspect of buying from farmers.
Speakers: Todd Barrett, USDA, Food & Nutrition Service; Debra Tropp, USDA, Agriculture Marketing Service
Advanced Issues in Farm to Cafeteria
Experienced farm to cafeteria supporters and organizers will address
some of the advanced issues of implementing farm to cafeteria projects.
Issues covered will include how to find and establish successful
working relationships with farmers, building coalitions and
collaborations to support local programs and how to tackle food
processing needs for farm to cafeteria projects.
Speakers: Bill Jordan, NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets; Jim
Churchill, Community Alliance with Family Farmers; Doug Wubben,
Wisconsin Homegrown Lunch
to Top}
Night at the Movies
attendees will have the opportunity of enjoying the Friday Night Film
Festival, with films dedicated to food, farming, globalization, GMOs,
and other timely topics. The films available for viewing are:
Supersize Me
The Future of Food
The Real Dirt on Farmer John
Global Banquet
Fed Up
My Father's Garden
Our Food Our Future
The Meatrix
The View from Malabar
to Top}
June 16th
Field Trip #1: Lannings (Mt. Vernon)
& Kenyon Food Service (FULL)
Located in Mount Vernon, Lannings Foods is a retail and wholesale
food distributor for fresh produce, meat, poultry, pork, and
dairy products. Lannings has been working closely with Kenyon
College to provide local food to their dining service. Following
a tour of Lannings' climate controlled storage areas and their
USDA approved custom meat cutting, processing, and packaging
facilities, the tour will return to Kenyon for a conversation
over lunch with Kenyon's dining hall manager and chef, Lannings'
owner, and the County agricultural extension agent to share
their experiences incorporating local foods at Kenyon. First
bus leaves Kenyon at 8:15am (returns about 10:00am). Second
bus leaves at 9:30am (returns by 11:15am). Lunch following the
return of the second group, finishing up by 1:00pm. Cost: $35
Field Trip #2: Kline Farm, Mt. Hope,
Travel from Gambier through scenic farm country to Mt. Hope,
at the center of the largest Amish community in the world. Farmer,
author, magazine publisher (and conference keynote speaker)
David Kline will show you around his 80 acre grass-based organic
dairy farm. The Kline's farm demonstrates Amish values of protecting
the health of the land, maintaining the strength of the community,
and acting as stewards on the earth. Box lunch included. Leave
Kenyon at 8:30 and return by 1:00. Cost: $35
Field Trip #3: Curly Tail Farm (Fredericktown)
& Middle Ground Café (Gambier)
Ed Snavely raises old breeds of pasture pork on his 110 organic
acres in Fredericktown and direct markets his product to many
restaurants. You'll have a chance to hear about the 5-year rotation
he's developed to counter weed problems, understand more about
the closed-loop production system on his farm, and hear from
him about challenges and opportunities in developing partnerships
with restaurants. After returning to Gambier, you'll enjoy lunch
from Middle Ground Café, one of Ed's customers, while talking
to owner Joel Gunderson about his relationships with farmers.
Leave Kenyon at 8:30, return and complete lunch by 1:00. Cost
Saturday, June 18th
Field Trip #1: Dharma Farm, Gambier,
Grass farmers Kate and Eric Helt are your hosts at this diversified
Knox County farm, where they raise sheep, goats, and poultry.
Their herds and flocks include about 100 Texel sheep (with their
guard llamas), Nubian and Boer goats (for dairy and meat, respectively),
laying hens and broilers, an occasional beef steer, and vegetables
for their own consumption. The Helts are involved in farmland
preservation efforts and in post-secondary education, regularly
hosting Kenyon students undertaking independent study courses
in sustainable agriculture. The Helts will be happy to speak
with you about raising food and the challenges of sustainable
agriculture today. Depart at 9:00 and return to the Kenyon campus
by noon. Box lunch included. Cost: $35
Field Trip #2: Stratford Ecological
Center, Delaware, OH
Stratford Ecological Center combines the resources of a State
Nature Preserve with a demonstration farm as "living laboratories"
and offers year-round hands-on outdoor experiences for all ages.
The property contains buttonbush swamps, a pond, stream and
forests, field crops, livestock (dairy and beef cattle, hogs,
goats, sheep and chickens), sugar bush with maple sugar shack,
beehives, greenhouses, a small orchard, herb and flower gardens
and an organic vegetable garden. This is the place in Central
Ohio where school aged kids learn about their place in the food
chain. For college students, internships in sustainable agriculture
and environmental education are available during the spring,
summer and fall months. Director and farmer Jeff Dickinson will
guide a group around the beautiful acreage and answer questions
about their crop rotations, school visits, internships, and
more. Depart from Gambier at 8:00 and return by 1:00 p.m. Box
lunch included. Cost: $35
Field Trip #3: Worthington Farmers
Market and Seven Stars Restaurant (FULL)
Quaint downtown Worthington hosts one of the Columbus area's
most beloved Saturday farmers market. Visitors will have the
chance to roam the market and then meet with Executive Chef
Tom Smith of the historic Worthington Inn's Seven Stars Restaurant.
Tom has made a name for himself on the Columbus food scene for
his commitment to using the freshest ingredients he can find,
purchased from local growers. Tom will talk to you about the
opportunities and challenges of buying locally and prepare your
lunch based on the day's market produce. You'll also have the
chance to speak with Mike Laughlin of Northridge Organic Farm,
one of Tom's suppliers, to hear about this relationship from
the grower's side. While enjoying Tom's creation, both farmer
and chef will be available to answer your questions. Limited
space available Depart Gambier at 8:00 and return to Gambier
by 1:30. Bus will stop at airport en route back to Gambier,
at approximately 12:30. Cost: $35
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Short Course for Food
Join with farm to cafeteria enthusiasts
from around the country for the second National Farm to Cafeteria
Conference. On Friday, June 17th, 1:30 - 5:30 pm a special half-day
session will be held for food service directors. Designed by food
service directors and staff from around the country, this half-day
program will examine the issues critical to food service departments at
schools, colleges, and other institutions interested in starting
programs to buy products from local farmers. Food service staff will
discuss ideas on how to collaborate with teachers, professors, parents,
students and others to build a successful program, how to effectively
promote the program, and how to sustain motivation for front-line entry
level people. Other topics to be discussed include how to start or
expand projects, work with raw products coming from local farms, and how
the bid process can help make farm purchases a viable option. For more
information call 310-822-5410. No additional cost
Speakers: Ray Denniston, Johnson City Community School District;
Randy Shelton, Ohio University; Ruth Blackburn, University of Michigan;
Doug Davis, Burlington Vermont Food Service Director; Abbie Nelson, VT
FEED; John Turenne; Gina Fusco, Bon Appetit; Don Kulick, Sodexho
to Top}
June 16 |
- 8:00 |
Breakfast |
- 1:00 |
Tail Farm and Middle Ground Café Tour |
- 1:00 |
Farm, Mt. Hope Tour |
- 1:00 |
and Kenyon Food Service Tour |
- 3:00 |
welcome and opening panel |
- 3:30 |
Break |
- 5:00 |
Session 1 |
- 7:00 |
Dinner |
- 9:00 |
Address: David Kline |
- 11:00 |
Traditional Music
Light Refreshments |
June 17 |
- 8:00 |
Breakfast |
- 9:00 |
Networking |
- 10:00 |
Address: Marion Nestle |
- 10:30 |
Break |
- Noon |
Session II |
- 1:30 |
Lunch |
- 5:30 |
Service Director Short Course |
- 3:00 |
Session III |
- 3:30 |
Break |
- 5:00 |
Session IV |
- 7:00 |
and Wrap-up |
- 11:00 |
Night at the Movies
Light Refreshments |
June 18 |
- 8:00 |
Breakfast |
- 1:00 |
Ecological Center Tour |
- 1:30 |
Farmers Market and Seven Stars Restaurant Tour |
- noon |
Farm Tour |
to Top}
All scholarships have been filled. Applications are no longer
being accepted.
In order to share scholarship funds more widely, scholarships
are provided to first time recipients only. If you received
a scholarship from CFSC previously, please do not apply. In
most cases only one scholarship per organization will be awarded.
Top priority will be given farmers and food service staff. Scholarships
are not available for field trips or short courses. Scholarships
will be reviewed weekly on a first come, first served basis.
No refunds will be given for cancellations requested after June
1. For cancellations received prior to June 1, a full refund
minus a $50 service charge will be made.
to Top}
We are
no longer accepting additional reservations for shuttle service.
Please make your own transportation arrangements. For driving
directions, refer to
The Kenyon College shuttle schedule is based on the information we received
with attendees' advanced registration. If you have a shuttle reservation,
proceed to the Kenyon College/CFSC welcome table in the baggage claim area
of Columbus Airport. You will be directed to the next available shuttle.
If you have difficulty in meeting the shuttle, please call: 740-427-5000.