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A listserve focusing on community food security

COMFOOD is an email list created to link individuals and organizations involved with or interested in community food security (CFS). The list has three broad purposes:

  1. COMFOOD is available to all subscribers to exchange ideas and information on CFS-related topics (see examples below).
  2. COMFOOD provides a forum for USDA-funded Community Food Projects. We encourage these groups to use this server to share information, to discuss issues, to make technical assistance inquiries, and to share documents that are of interest to subscribers.
  3. COMFOOD is an on-line information provider for the Community Food Security Coalition (CFSC). The CFSC will post notices about meetings, T&TA opportunities, policy initiatives, and other business of the organization, as well as feature articles or other information from its newsletter and website. Information about CFS-related activities of other organizations, agencies, etc. will also be posted by the Coalition.

Postings by any subscriber may include, but are not limited to:

  • Broad or specific discussions on the issues and strategies relating to community food security; similarly, articles of general interest;
  • Requests for information, contacts, or assistance on topics related to CFS research or programs;
  • Requests for information about organizations working in specific areas (for example, which groups in a region are doing entrepreneurial gardening programs);
  • Requests for technical assistance or related help in designing or implementing projects;
  • Descriptions of new activities your organization is initiating;
  • Announcements of CFS-related activities - workshops, training sessions, conferences;
  • Job notices or internship opportunities.


COMFOOD is an unmoderated server, meaning that any subscriber may post an item directly to all others on the list. Subject matter posted should be appropriate to the purposes of the list, and of interest to multiple subscribers. Customary netiquette is expected (e.g., no advertising, flaming, or personal attacks). Please read through the full Posting Guidelines [PDF] before posting to the list.

Subscribe to COMFOOD

Unsubscribe from COMFOOD

To post a message to all subscribers on the list, send an email to: comfood@elist.tufts.edu
Note: Your email address must be subscribed to post a message to the list.

Subscription Settings

Some settings you can change include:

  • receive messages in Digest Mode, plain text, or no messages at all (send only)
  • change your password

Log in to change your settings

If you do not yet have an Elist password, go to the password reminder page.
A password will be sent to you allowing you to log on to Elist and to set your preferences (including choosing a new password).

The Comfood User Guide [PDF] explains all of the possible list settings and how to use them.

List Archive

To view past messages, you can visit the list archive on the Tufts Elist site. Note: you must be subscribed and logged in to the Elist site to access the archives.

Get Help

For more in-depth instructions and information on subscribing, unsubscribing, changing list settings, and viewing the archive, download the Guidelines for Using Comfood [PDF].

In case of problems or for other assistance in using the COMFOOD Elist, you may contact hjoseph@tufts.edu.

COMFOOD is sponsored by the Community Food Security Coalition. The list is housed at Tufts University and administered through the School of Nutrition Science and Policy.