Community Food Security Coalition Strategic Issues – A Work in Progress July 12-13, 2008

The following strategic issues were identified at the July 12-13, 2008 strategic planning meeting by the assembled CFSC board staff, and strategic planning committee members. Please review the notes from this meeting, as well as two prior strategic planning meetings, for background leading up to the identification of these issues, as well as additional issues discussed but not captured here. The following strategic issues will frame the strategic planning process going forward. We welcome your feedback – please click on the link at the end of this summary.

Note that the strategic issues are not presented in priority order. All are equally important, and they should be considered as a set.



Process note: Policy/advocacy (national, state, local) is a “how-to” for each of the 4 strategic issues. Research, education, TA, outreach, communications (internal and external) are also “how-to’s.”

  1. How do we address the need for better food system infrastructure?

     Models for owning/controlling/using/protecting farmland, urban and rural  Distribution/retail, processing/manufacturing
     Bricks and mortar

  2. How do we build the capacity of people and community to promote/ensure a just and sustainable food system?

     From earlier part of the conversation, “people” defined as youth, new farmers, activists, immigrants, older farmers, diverse leadership development, educators

  3. How do we take our work and build it into a response to the “Food Crisis” (aka, rising food and energy prices)?

     Linking to other movements – public health, fitness, global warming, energy, anti- poverty, living wage, and others

  4. How do we address the systemic inequity within the food system?

     Access to safe, affordable (not “cheap food”), culturally appropriate food for all  Seed to table
     Local to global

  1. What is the purpose of the CFSC?
    •   Who do we work with?
    •   Why?
    •   What is our meta-level structure (coalition, NGO, network, etc.)?
    •   What are our values?
  2. How do we develop effective staff and board structures and communications in line with the purpose and values of CFSC while effectively responding to changes in the environment?
  3. How do we develop effective membership structures and communication, engagement, roles and access in line with the purpose and values of CFSC while effectively responding to changes in the environment?
  4. How do we create effective structures that express and deepen our commitment to a range of diversity and inclusion within CFSC and the food system?

Please provide your feedback by October 10 by clicking on this link: Feedback to CFSC
Link to Keystone (July 2008) notes, April 2008 notes, and November 2007 notes; plus link to SP Cmte list and norms

Community Food Security Coalition July 2008 Strategic Planning Retreat – SUMMARY Prepared by OpenSource Leadership Strategies, Inc. Page 1 of 1
