School District: Street Address: City:
T elephone: E-Mail:
Sample TELEPHONE SURVEY Initial Questions for Farmers
State: Zip: Fax:
- Are you currently supplying produce to the schools in your area?
If yes, skip to number 8 If no, go to number 2.
- Is there excess capacity on your farm that you could plant specifically for a farm-to-school program?
- Do you currently have extra product that you could sell to schools?
- Do you do value-added processing? If no, skip to number 6.
- Do you have the capacity to do additional processing to make your product acceptable for sale to your school or district?
- Are you a member of a cooperative?
- Do you have the infrastructure (e.g., trucks, driver, cold storage) to deliver product to schools or a central processing location?
If you are currently participating in farm to school
- Please describe the products and quantities you are selling to schools.
- Do you sell to Dept. of Defense Fresh program?
- How did you become involved in selling to schools?
- Is this project economically viable from your perspective?
- Do you sell to other institutions?
- Are there policies at the school, district, local, state or federal level which support or undermine selling to schools?
Transportation and Delivery
14. Who delivers your products to schools? How? 15. How often are pick-ups made?
16. How often are deliveries made?
17. Are they picked up from your farm?
18. Are they delivered on the same day?
19. Are deliveries made to a central location or to individual schools?
20. How did the transport mechanism evolve?
21. How many schools are you supplying?
22. Are you able to consistently meet demand?
23. Are you able to provide products to schools year-round? What, when? 24. Do you sell processed products, e.g. apple juice, dried fruit?
- How is the price for your product determined?
- Are you selling at or below the standard wholesale price?
- Are you selling at, above, or below the retail price?
- Are you making enough profit to continue selling to schools?
- If you deliver your product washed, pre-cut, packaged or processed in any way do you
charge extra for that service?
Outside Support
- Are you part of a group that has helped organize this project?
- Do you or the organizing group receive outside support for this project such as grant funds,
donations, or services?
Created by the Community Food Security Coalition and the Center for Food & Justice, Occidental College