A Field Guide to Evaluation

This is a comprehensive, interactive, two and a half day workshop focused on outcome-based evaluation strategies, tools, analysis and results and designed expressly for Community Food Project (CFP) grantees and other CFP practitioners.

Held in New Orleans, LA for the fourth year, the workshop site and lodging accommodations are in parts of the city not flooded by the recent hurricanes. They are thriving areas, safe and beautiful. Come enjoy the Crescent City, support the rebuilding of New Orleans and learn how to evaluate your programs’ impacts!

March 13-15th
New Orleans, Louisiana

Download registration form and workshop info (pdf)

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Workshop Overview

Whether you are new to the garcinia cambogia reviews or a seasoned practitioner, this workshop will benefit you.

You will gain practical strategies and tools for:

assessing how well your project is working,
determining what is needed to make it better, and
telling the story of what you have accomplished!
Trainers will focus on all stages of developing, implementing and using your evaluation plan and results. Workshop components include:
Creating an environment for evaluation
Selecting program outcomes
Mapping logic models
Developing and customizing tools from the Community Food Project Evaluation Toolkit
Developing an evaluation analysis plan
Trekking through data analysis
Using data results for program improvement
Communicating results with stakeholders
There will be optional time for an Audubon Zoo tour, networking circles, or, a brief one-on-one consultation on your program’s evaluation plan. We will also include a training for CFP Grantees on the new, web-based Common Output Tracking Form requested by USDA for their end-of-the-year grant reports.

**A copy of the March 2006 Community Food Project Evaluation Handbook and Toolkit will be included with your full registration fee. These two documents include over 300 pages of practical information and sample tools designed especially for community food security projects.
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Workshop Sites
Monday Evening Tuesday & Wednesday
Garden District Hotel Audubon Nature Institute & Zoo
University Conference Room Dominion Learning Center
2203 St. Charles Avenue 6500 Magazine Street
New Orleans, LA 70140 New Orleans, LA 70118
(800) 265-1856 (504) 861-2537

*See important details on accommodations below

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Workshop Participants

Community Food Security Practitioners
This workshop is open to anyone interested in program evaluation for their community food security project. Community Food Project grantees are especially encouraged to attend and receive a discounted price on the registration form emailed directly to your grant manager.

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Workshop Trainers

National Research Center, Inc. (NRC)
NRC is one of the leading strategic planning and evaluation teams in the US, focusing on the information needs of the public sector, non-profits, health-care providers and foundations. Trainers for this workshop are V.P. Michelle Miller Kobayashi, MSPH, and Senior Research Associate Kerry Lupher, MSW. Check them out at

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Recommended Accommodations
Garden District Hotel
2203 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70140
(504) 566-1200 or (800) 265-1856

The Garden District Hotel is located on the streetcar line, not far from the Central Business District and the French Quarter. This hotel and surrounding neighborhood were not flooded in the recent hurricanes. Please visit their website at Single or Double rooms are available to workshop participants at the discounted rate of $109/night plus tax & fees for March 13th, 14th & 15th, 2006.

Appetizers on Monday evening and lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday will be provided by one of the many unique New Orleans restaurants. We hope to work again this year with Café Reconcile. Café Reconcile is a non-profit project providing at-risk teens and young adults with the skills they need to succeed in jobs in the hospitality industry. The restaurant also employs residents from the Central City neighborhood. For more information about Don and the programs at Café Reconcile, visit

A simple, nutritious Continental breakfast on both Tuesday and Wednesday will be provided at the Audubon Nature Institute.

The New Orleans International Airport (the Louis Armstrong Airport, MSY) is located about 20 miles from the Hotel. Shuttles are available at the airport near the baggage claim for around $15. You do not need reservations. Shuttles leave the airport every 20- 30 minutes. Taxis are also available for under $30 each way.

New Orleans in March
New Orleans is a beautiful place to be in March. With Mardi Gras festivities coming to a close just two weeks prior to this workshop, you will most likely find beads hanging from every tree along St. Charles Avenue. Feel free to grab some! The weather will be cool at night (50’s), and often warm during the day (around 70) with high humidity and an occasional rain shower. Audubon Park and The Garden District Hotel are both located in Uptown New Orleans. This was an area of the city that did not flood during the aftermath of hurricane Katrina and is already back in business and looking beautiful, clean and safe.

Come join us in supporting the rebuilding efforts in New Orleans while enjoying the beautiful spring weather, local food, and array of live music venues that New Orleans has to offer.

Full Registration: $135/person includes:

Workshop registration fee
Meals (Monday evening appetizers, Tuesday & Wednesday Continental Breakfast and Lunch)
Complimentary copy of the Community Food Project Evaluation Handbook and Toolkit
