- Contain the numbers of postings. Overall volume is the main concern of subscribers, and it has doubled in the past year alone.
- Maintain fairness in the posting process while addressing volume.
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- Support a consistently high quality of content.
- Keep content reasonably within the purposes of list.Subscribers not adhering to the guidelines will be contacted by the list manager as needed to assure adherence. Beyond this and basic netiquette, it is our intent to maintain an unmoderated list with respect to content.1. The focus of Comfood remains community food topics, broadly interpreted. Regional, national or global agriculture, food systems, public health nutrition, etc. content may well be relevant to this theme; however, the central focus of the list should be supported and respected, however broadly subscribers construe that framework.2. Subscribers who post regularly (typically once or more per week, often many times a week) are asked to limit their postings to no more than once a week (occasionally twice). Once weekly is a maximum, and should not be considered as endorsement of a recommended frequency of posting. This guideline does not apply to discussions or exchanges, or to those posting more infrequently, although the spirit of these posting guidelines should be respected.3. Avoid duplication: Subscribers posting news articles, reports or other documents should check carefully to be sure the item was not already posted. Those on Digest format* should not be posting recently issued content from other sources, as they cannot monitor timely postings from others.
4. Requests for information should be made subsequent to other efforts to find this information elsewhere.
5. Responses to requests for information should go off-list to the person posting. In return, the person making the request is asked to post compiled responses on a one-time basis back to the list (assuming the responses are worthwhile); otherwise forward them to subscribers who request them off-list.
6. Postings of events and jobs should always include the location – city and state – in the Subject Heading, in addition to being as clear as possible about the contents (e.g., an article, an event, the topic being addressed).
7. Events and job listings should be relevant to a reasonable number and range of subscribers. Organizations with frequent local events are encouraged to develop their own distribution lists to advertise such activities, rather than always relying on using Comfood – a national and international list – as a local outreach tool.
8. Discussions: Responses to postings (i.e., comments, reflections, or similar input) should be substantive and germane to a wide audience. Otherwise, please respond directly to the person posting.
9. Promoting your (or other’s) books, blogs, websites, organizations, etc. can be valuable on an occasional basis, but not repetitiously.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Technical advisories
If you use Digest format, be aware that ‘using reply-to’ will send your response only to Comfood-request (i.e., the list manager), and not to the entire Comfood list. Instead, type comfood@elist.tufts.edu.
Please avoid large postings and/or attachments.
* Digest is a format for Comfood where you receive all the posted messages together once a day. To enable this mode, you first need to sign in at elist.tufts.edu. Signing in requires your user name and password that you received or selected when subscribing).
- If you do not yet have an Elist password, you can get one by clicking here: https://elist.tufts.edu/wws/nomenu/remindpasswd/referer/
- A password will be sent to you allowing you to log onto to Elist and to set your preferences (including choosing a new password).
- Once signed in, click on Comfood and you can access two useful options – Digest and Archives.
- For Digest, click on Subscriber Options and select Digest MIME format.
Archives: To find prior Comfood postings, click on Archives and search by month or by topic.