Author: Admin
National Farm to College Program
Click below to jump to the following sections: Farm to College Projects – Is There a Need? How do Farm to College Projects Work? What…
Potatoes link to Obesity and Diabetes
Potatoes are one of the world’s most popular food crops. They are commonly eaten as a snack or fast food, such as potato chips or…
Coconut Water Or Gatorade
There are many health claim benefits that the coconut water producing companies are touting. Among the claims are: it will boost circulation, lower blood pressure,…
Obese People’s Brains Respond Differently to Sugar
Many people believe that excessive sugar intake is one of the main reasons for the “obesity epidemic.” This is not because sugar is high in…
African Mango raised good hormone levels
Featured on Dr Oz show On his TV show Dr Oz featured African Mango on his popular. He called it a “breakthrough supplement” and a…
High-Protein Breakfasts Burn Calories and Reduce Hunger
Obesity is a serious health concern. In both children and adults, it may increase the risk of several chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes…
The USAID Global Health eLearning Center offers a menu of courses that learners from many disciplines and positions can use to expand their knowledge in…
Health Benefits of Urban Agriculture Bibliography
Ahmed F. 1999. “Vitamin A deficiency in Bangladesh: a review and recommendations for improvement.” Public Health Nutrition. 2(1):1-14, Mar. Akbari, H, J Huang, P Martien,…
Community Food Project Profiles in Kansas
There have been 5 Community Food Project grants that have gone to organizations in Kansas. Two of these are profiled below. Kansas Rural Center, Whiting…
With farm to school programs, the transport of farm products to the schools is in many cases the most challenging issue to be addressed. There…
What is H.R. 2749?
H.R. 2749, the Food Safety Enhancement Act, addresses the programs and authority of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA currently has authority over processed…
Making Policy Work for You: Tips for Meeting with Your Legislators
Federal policy can affect the work you do, whether it’s through school lunch regulations, access to locally grown foods, or farm conservation that affects…
The Activities and Impacts of Community Food Projects 2005-2009
The Activities and Impacts of Community Food Projects 2005-2009 Sponsor: USDA/ NIFA Authors: Michelle Kobayashi & Lee Tyson, National Research Center, Inc. Jeanette Abi-Nader,…
YourCommunity, YourFood Everyone deserves a chance to make healthy food choices.
But in too many places, it’s hard to get good food—especially in low-income areas, where food is often more expensive and lower quality. Reaching the…
Dismantling Racism in Community Food Work
Rachel Slocum 15 October, 2004 This paper is intended as a means to help community food security organizations understand how racism shapes the food system….
Community Food Security Coalition FEDERAL POLICY ADVOCACY HANDBOOK
Barrett Ebright, Congressional Hunger Fellow In collaboration with Sarah Borron, CFSC Policy Associate 2007 Edition edited by Steph Larsen, CFSC Policy Organizer COMMUNITY FOOD SECURITY…
Urban Agriculture and Soil Contamination: An Introduction to Urban Gardening Practice Guide #25
Winter 2009 Environmental Finance Center EPA Region 4 University of Louisville Allison Houlihan Turner Center for Environmental Policy and Management University of Louisville 426…
CHAPTER 4 Findings and Interpretations
Several key findings from this research project began to answer the three questions posed by emergency food providers in Calaveras: What are the relationships between…
School Districts and Federal Procurement Regulations – memo
United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service 3101 Park Center Drive Alexandria, VA 22302-1500 DA TE: MEMO CODE: SUBJECT: TO: January 23, 2007…
CFSC – Healdsburg, CA Movers and Shakers
CASE STUDY Nancy May, the School Food Service Supervisor, is the main organizer behind this Farm to School project. She came to Healdsburg Junior High…
Farm to School Legislation: A State-by-State Listing
To date, 24 states have passed legislation regarding farm to school programs. Below are summaries and links to the text of this legislation. This information…
Statement by the Community Food Security Coalition On FY11 Spending Plan and House FY12 Budget Proposal
April 15, 2011 Kathy Mulvey, 202‐543‐8602 WASHINGTON, DC—On the heels of yesterday’s approval of a federal spending plan for the current fiscal year (H.R. 1473),…
Across the country, hospitals are teaming up with local growers and producers to make changes in the food service industry and local food economy. The…
New York State Community Food Project Grants
In New York, 12 organizations received 15 CFP grants totaling $2,678,141 between the years of 1997 and 2006. City Harvest, NYC Mount Hope Integrated Community…
Lessons from Community Food Projects, 1999-2003
Kami Pothukuchi, Ph.D., Author Kai Siedenburg, Editor Jeanette Abi-Nader, Project Coordinator October 2007 BUILDING COMMUNITY FOOD SECURITY: LESSONS FROM COMMUNITY FOOD PROJECTS, 1999-2003 Author:…
FACT SHEET ♦ What is DoDFresh? In 1994, the Department of Defense began offering its produce buying services for institutions other than military bases and…
CHAPTER 3 Methodology Survey Design
For the purposes of this project, the University of California Cooperative Extension’s Emergency Food Client Questionnaire (UCCE-EFCQ) and the United States Department of Agriculture’s Core…
Community Food Project Evaluation Handbook
COMMUNITY FOOD SECURITY COALITION Community Food Security Coalition PO BoA 209 Venice, CA 90294 Phone: 310-822-5410 Sponsor: USDA Community Food Projects Program Author: National…
Myths and Facts H.R. 875 – The Food Safety Modernization Act
MYTH: H.R. 875 “makes it illegal to grow your own garden” and would result in the “criminalization of the backyard gardener.” FACT: There is…
Table of Contents Above: Efrén Avalos of AMO Organics harvests strawberries. Front Cover: Background : Los Angeles Regional Food Bank’s fifteen-acre urban garden. Top left…